Everyone who works with children and young people has a responsibility for safeguarding and making sure they receive the right support at the right time. We are committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people and expect all staff, volunteers and visitors to share this commitment.
At LS-TEN, we take our role in safeguarding extremely seriously. Our staff will do everything they can to protect students from harm. Safeguarding is everyone’s responsibility, and all of our staff are trained to be alert and aware of the signs and indicators of abuse.
Parent and Carer Feedback
The welfare of the young people we work with is at the heart of all we do. We believe that working closely with parents and carers helps us to make the most informed decisions to best support our students. Your feedback helps us grow and develop - if you would like to share comments, suggestions or feedback regarding our education offer please email our Chief Compliance officer
Online safety at LS-TEN
With the increased use of the internet in schools and in the home, it is essential that our students are encouraged to use it to help their learning but keep safe from the risks online. We aim to build in the use of these technologies to ensure students have the necessary skills to access life-long learning and employment. In school we use an approved filtering and monitoring system to help ensure our students are safe online at school. If you’d like more information about online safety at LS-TEN, or if you’d like to talk to someone about keeping your child safe online at home please contact us.
Training Days
We have five planned training days throughout the school year. A communication is sent to parents and carers at the start of the academic year with the dates of our training days, on these dates LS-TEN school will be closed to students for essential staff training.
School Training days 2024/25:
Monday 30th September 2024
Friday 20th December 2024
Monday 6th January 2025
Thursday 19th June 2025
Tuesday 22nd July 2025
SEND Information - Special Educational Needs and Disabilities
The Leeds Local Offer provides information for children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) and their families in a single place. It shows families what they can expect from a range of local agencies including education, health and social care. The Leeds Local Offer can be found at
For more information or to discuss your child’s needs please contact our SENDCo Isabel Gregg via email at or phone 0113 5325357.
Useful Links
Mindmate quick guide:
Early help quick guide:
EHCP quick guide:
Young Minds access to a range of support agencies and information for children and young people, parents and carers and professionals
Kooth Online mental health support via webchat for young people aged 11-24
The Market Place free and confidental support around mental health and wellbeing for young people aged 11-25 in leeds
0113 246 1659
Childine provide telephone support and webchat for children
0800 1111
Teen Connect helpline offer tlephone or online support
Mon-Friday 3.30pm - 2am
Sat/sun 6pm-2am
0808 800 1212 or text 07715 661559